Monday, June 12, 2006

For some must push, and some must pull, as we go marching up the hill,
So merrily on our way we go, until we reach the valley-o!!!

We attended the Handcart Pioneer Sesquicentennial Commemoration in Iowa City on Saturday. Unfortunately, the Iowa weather turned traitor, and in June we had 45-degree temperatures, cold rain turning to sleet, and low turnout. Sigh. But it was a great object lesson for parents to remind their children that the REAL handcart pioneers had no place warm to go after a day pulling a handcart in bad weather. Tallman ran around the entire handcart course several times, then took a turn IN the card with a friend of ours, while Cheery pushed and Daddy and PMM pulled. There were a number of activities, performances and displays, and we enjoyed them all. One note--there was originally a concession planned selling snowcones--it's Iowa in June, after all! Apparently and wisely, at the last minute they changed to hot chocolate and were one of the most popular attractions.
We got to follow this up last night, with yet ANOTHER trip to Iowa City, to attend the fireside. It was a tremendous experience for us to be there while President Packer and President Hinckley spoke. The PMM was very well-behaved, fortunately, since we had to arrive very early and take our seats early--we were in our seats at 6:00. It was a weekend in which we put many, many miles on our van, but also in which we made many family memories.
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1 comment:

Montserrat said...

How lucky! What a fun memory to have as a family.