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FHE at our house last night! Fifth Mondays are Family Game Night. We drew these games out of our "choice bag" and enjoyed chocolate chip cookies and Aye, Aye, Nephi, Quick Pix Geography, Uno Attack (PMM loves that one!) and Mormon Mouthful
, which is probably the most hilarious game we own! Try saying these "samples" until you "hear" what they mean:
Will Four Herd Would Rough
More Own Nice Prom Mess
Brick Kim Hung Hewn If Her City
I have a pet theory that polyglots excel at this particular game; we have "ear training". What do you think?
That's fun. I am the one who runs screaming when anyone suggests board games, but that's one I might like.
We have a book "Mormon Mumble" that is the same thing. It's great for roadtrips.
I gave the samples that were listed a try and really like it! What a neat game. Might buy us Mormon Mouthful now. From deseret store???
Yes, from Deseret Book.
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