Sunday, January 29, 2006

What I Wish I was Still Reading:
84, Charing Cross Road, Helene Hanff. I finished this last night. HOW did I ever miss this book earlier in life? Sheer delight. My only complaint: I wish it were four times longer.

Up Next: American Places, by William Zinsser

Last Night: Watched "March of the Penguins" with the family. We all enjoyed it. I kept thinking as I was watching this story of penguin love and devotion, that if all things testify of Christ, surely there is a message in the story of these birds for the family in our day. If a PENGUIN family is worthy of such sacrifice, just to produce one chick, then what does that tell us about the value of an ETERNAL family? Perhaps I should complain less about the sacrifices I make for my own family; at least I don't have to go for months without food. :-) I wonder if I am the first person for whom watching "The March of the Penguins" created a desire to do genealogy. LOL

Calandria: Shall try to get Tallman to let me take a picture. He is camera-shy. He has a bunch of kits for building robots downstairs, and a bunch of assorted electronic components; I think he primarily uses the kits at this point. He has a bit of a "mad-scientist" thing going on in the basement so I rarely go look. ;-)


andalucy said...

We saw March of the Penguins last Monday. J was telling me that social scientists have pointed to this movie as evidence that humans are no different from animals--it's all genetic. I prefer to see it your way. ;-)

andalucy said...

I wish I were still reading Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell. Sigh.

I'll have to put 84, Charing Cross Road on my list.