Monday, July 31, 2006

Argh, for some reason I am totally unable to post pictures on any of my blogs, since Thursday. I'm most put out. :-) I have things to say and things to do, but keep getting a "page cannot be displayed, try later" message. So no pix today. :0(
Tallman left early this morning for his very first Boy Scout camp. I think I'm OK with that, but worried about the weather. It is supposed to be over 100 degrees today, and very humid. I got sent home early last year due to heat exhaustion, and I hope Tallman has a healthier and better experience. But he is excited and ready to go. Crazy kid LOVES camping, and he loves Scouts.
So I'm here alone with Cheery and PMM (dh is at camp too) and this week will be taken up with putting the finishing touches on our new school year, which begins next Monday. Partly to keep my thoughts straight, I'll likely be doing a list of "what I've done and what's left" each day to keep myself on track. But first, I have to go clean the bathrooms. LOL A never-ending job here in Boyville. Although with only TWO here all week, maybe I can stay ahead of them.
Nah. LOL


andalucy said...

I haven't been able to upload pics to blogger, either.

And isn't the heat the pits? I am such a northern girl. The heat makes me feel like killing someone. Today it is hotter here (102) than in northern Mexico (96) where my dh is from.

Why don't you get your boys to do the bathrooms? My children actually enjoy cleaning bathrooms. They just did it today, and they do it together. Today my oldest let the 6 yr old clean the toilet. That's right, I said "let." I walked by and heard him say, "Awesome! My turn!" It's kinda nice because I have a major aversion to bathroom cleaning.

andalucy said...

btw, do you have more than one blog? If so, where are the others?

Montserrat said...

My girls also like to clean the bathrooms and will actually fight over whose turn it is to do the toilets. We never seem to have a problem keeping the bathrooms clean. We do however seem to never have enough toilet paper in stock with all these girls. :D

Bookworm said...

Mine would rather pull their own teeth than do bathrooms, although they love to cut the grass. Go figure. :-)
Yes, I have two other blogs, one is a straight pictures-and-captions only--for the grandparent crowd, the other is on homeschoolblogger, and I'm exceedingly frustrated with it at the moment, and would consider dumping it altogether, but I love the cute little animated icons . . . lol. Swashbuckling smileyfaces with swords! Wish I knew how to add those here. :-)