Monday, July 31, 2006

School starts a week from today!!!
I did not get much accomplished today, probably due to the raging migraine I ended up with after sleeping two hours last night--I was in "brain whirl" probably due to sending ds off to camp in 100 degree heat. Anyway. I cleaned off all our school bookshelves, completed and mailed all our state paperwork, found the books we'll need for morning devotions, and used my new speech program (from to evaluate the PMM, since his pediatrician keeps bugging me about him being difficult to understand. WE don't find him all that difficult to understand, PMM has a way of getting his ideas across. Actually, at the same age, I thought Cheery was harder to understand, and he went through three long years of therapy at the public school. We don't want to repeat that, hence our purchasing materials to "do it ourselves." Turns out, with all that complaining by the pediatrician, PMM is not doing badly at all--he has trouble with "sh", "l", "r" and "th", it is true, but most of those are not recommended for treatment at his age. The only sound he has consistent trouble with that needs addressing at age 6 is "ch" So we'll work on that this year.
Still to try and do tonight--make up little folders with the words to the songs we are going to work on learning this term. I need help burning a CD of the songs, but dh is heading back out to camp with Tallman, so it'll have to wait.
Ds at camp is thrilled and delighted. He will be working on his Reptiles and Amphibians, Environmental Science, and Archery merit badges. All the other boys in our troop decided to take the same ones Tallman wanted to take, so they are "en masse" and following his 6'2" form. They are ordering pizza for supper tonight, and all the boys are sleeping in one tent together. It's not supposed to get much cooler than 80 degrees, so not sure how much sleeping they will be doing! I just hope they stay safe and have fun.

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