Tuesday, August 01, 2006

School planning update:
I got the music for Term 1 selected and made up song booklets for the children. Dh will burn a CD for me later. Our devotions are all set--"music mornings" twice a week, readings from The Book of Virtues for Young People and A Story to Tell once a week, a conference address once a week, and reading from Church History for Latter-Day Saint Families once week.
I set up our new Latin program for the first week. We'll be using Volume 1 of Latin in the Christian Trivium and I'm just delighted with the professional materials and the free support. :-) We're going to be happy Latin campers this year.
I also got Tallman's materials planned out. Some of these we'll be using with the other children, too.
He'll be in MathUSee, finishing Zeta and later, beginning Pre-Algebra.
We'll be using the terrific Spelling Wisdom materials for dictation--Tallman is in Book 3.
He'll be reading most of the selections in Ambleside Online Year 5 for history and literature and nature study, although we've tweaked a few things, changing some biographies around to make room for George Q. Cannon's Life of Nephi, and the Leaders in Action bio of Stonewall Jackson, of interest to us after visiting his home in Virginia.
We're adding for his devotional reading, Righteous Warriors by John Bytheway, Youth and the Temple--by the temple-drawing guy whose name I just forgot, and I have a migraine and don't want to get up, lol, and To Grow in Spirit by Joe J. Christensen. Practical skills will be addressed by reading Created for Work--OK, I forgot that guy's name too, and The Young Man's Handybook: Preparing Your Son on the Homefront by Martha Greene at Marmee's Kitchen.
The two older boys will do God's Design for the Physical World for science, we are going to read Much Ado About Nothing (also a high-interest thing at the moment, as we saw a superb performance of it in May), reading Plutarch's life of Tiberius Gracchus, and studying Mozart for music and Meindert Hobbema for art. Tallman will top things off with a technical-drawing program, as he has expressed intense interest in NOT having to do frou-frou drawing this year. LOL
Whew. Not bad for a lady with a migraine. On to Cheery's schedule tomorrow.

1 comment:

Montserrat said...

Way to go with all the planning! Can't wait to see what the other boys are going to do. I'm just starting my planning for the girls. We don't start school again until Sept. We do the three months on one month off schedule, so our new year officially begins in September.