Tuesday, August 15, 2006

This weekend we took a hurried trip down to Kansas to go to a family reunion at my aunt's house. My last remaining grandmother was there, the one I always think of as "Little Grandma" She was never very big to begin with, but now at age 89 she's really tiny. She's been ill several times this year, and I guess I am feeling like each time I see her might be my last, especially after losing my other grandma in February. Grandma's memory has suffered, and she may not remember by now that I was there, but at least I knew I was there. Grandma is quite a lady--I was really blessed in the two women who were my grandmothers. She was a domestic woman's woman--talented seamstress, great cook, gardener, canner. Since I planned as a girl on being the ambassador to France or some such thing, and having a staff, LOL, I was too busy and too shortsighted to learn much from her. I've been kicking myself ever since starting my family.
There were cousins and second cousins, all also gathered to see Grandma and visit and catch up. To my great delight, I discovered that my father's cousin has an oral history and digitized photos of my great-grandmother and her family. It was a lot of fun! I was struck by how GOOD these people are to whom I am related-- different from me, perhaps, in lifestyle and religious belief, but they are the good, solid people of this earth who would stick together and do anything to help family. I'm glad to have them! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

andalucy said...

What a cute picture of you two! You look like a college kid, Bookworm.