Monday, August 14, 2006

Wow, where on earth does my blogging time go? If I get any slower at updating the blog, it'll be Christmas before I finish my we-just-started-school posts. Argh!
This is Tallman at Scout camp. He had a terrific time; it was a fabulous experience for him. He loved camping, he talked and played and made friends, he got three merit badges, including archery, which I understand is difficult to qualify for in one day--there are proficiency requirements. But Tallman did it! He must have some of my mother's archery genes, and they obviously skipped me. :-) But it was a great week for him, and I am glad he had a good time---and even more glad he is home!!!
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1 comment:

Montserrat said...

We've had antalope hunters come and ask if they can hunt the antelope on our land (which we don't allow). But one that stopped had a license for only bow hunting. He must have been pretty good. Antelope are fast!