Thursday, November 02, 2006

Tuesday I also decided to reclaim my heritage and attempt "old hen and potpie" This is an old family recipe that came down from my father's mother's family. We had it at all family get-togethers. It's essentially a stewed chicken with homemade noodles. Why it's "potpie" is beyond me. The first time, after I hit adulthood, that I went to a restaurant and saw "potpie" on the menu, I ordered it and got a BIG surprise! LOL
Anyway, my grandmother steadfastly refused ever to give me a recipe. Not even any help. Just start with eggs and add flour until it looks right, then cook it until it's done. LOL I have been too "chicken" to try it on my own. But last month we had a Relief Society class where a sister shared her homemade noodle recipe. It looked JUST LIKE Grandma's, except this sister rolled and cut them thinner and dried them overnight before cooking them. But it gave me just enough courage to try it on my own.
So, Tuesday night, I made my attempt. I didn't stew an entire chicken for one meal for 5 people. I "modernized" by using canned broth. I made my noodles (for 6 eggs' worth, add 2 1/2 cups flour , 3/4 tsp salt and mix, if too sticky add up to 1/4 cup more flour) I rolled them out on a well-floured dishtowel, but left them sort of thick and rustic looking. I rolled them about the thickness of pie crust; the sister who did our class rolled them thinner. I also cut them about an inch or so wide, and tore them in pieces (this was the job of the oldest granddaughter at my grandma's house!) and dropped them into simmering broth. After they'd cooked, I added a package of shredded chicken I'd cooked and frozen previously, and thickened the broth.
Apparently they were a big hit. I thought they were remarkably good considering this was my first attempt and I skipped the "old hen" part, lol. And my guys kept going back until every last noodle was gone. I liked my "modernization" because it was much faster (this took my grandma ALL DAY!) and much lower in fat than the way she did it. Maybe I'll try it the "old" way once soon when I have extra time. But I surely am pleased with my attempt!


Anonymous said...

mmmm! That sounds really good.

Montserrat said...

Aren't homemade noodles fun?! Joseph won't eat any kind of soup that has store bought noodles in them. If you really get into it I'd recommend getting a pasta machine that rolls the dough into whatever thickness you want. It takes less time and effort than rolling by hand. I've usually found that it takes 2/3 cup flour for every egg, and I mix mine in the food processor.