Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A redbud in bloom at the local nature center. Posted by Picasa


Dawn ;) said...

thanks for telling me what this tree is called. we have several here in ok and my oldest and I love them for their color but never knew what they were. heehee

thx for the links to ~ I found the School of Abraham very interesting and the Mother's Education Course was what I was prayerfully considering creating for myself. Now I don't have to, but not sure I want to join another group though. Do I need to in order to use the course? Thx

Have an awesome day!

Bookworm said...

No, you do not need to join the group. I find discussion helpful as I process what I read, but I understand about not being able to handle more email groups. :-) I know the creators of the course would urge you to take from it whatever you need whether you can join the group or not.