Saturday, April 01, 2006

Well, it's been a while since I managed to post here. It's been a very difficult week in our ward, and a difficult week for me personally, and I just haven't had it together enough to be posting. Hopefully I'm getting sorted out.
Anyway, I've been drained, and not spending any time on the speeches I need to give in a matter of weeks, and verging on panic.
I do need to make a note--if anyone has been looking at my previous posts and looked at the books on my list of "to be read's" then please consider Crusoe's Daughter removed from my list. I began it and nearly immediately ran into an unnecessary crude scene--it's outta here. :-)
I can hardly believe it--Tallman went tonight with dh to Priesthood Session of conference. I'm not sure I was ready for that somehow! It seemed like it ought to be a "big moment" but he just got dressed and waltzed out the door like it was something he'd done before. LOL I'm not sure that was enough for his mama. The really scary thing is that in seven years, I'll be sitting here ALL BY MYSELF on Saturday nights during General Conference. Yikes.
Anyway. What a week. I am working up to my fourth migraine in the week, my basement is soggy and wet, more rain is expected tonight, and MY SPEECHES ARE NOT WRITTEN. Someone remind me not to hyperventilate.


Anonymous said...

Don't hyperventilate! You will be great. Over the last 5 years or so since I have "known" you through various email groups, I have learned so much from you and have been inspired more times that I can count. If you just get up at the convention and pretend your responding to someone's email you'll be fabulous! But I'm sure you'll give a great speech (even better than an email!) and I really hope you post it on your blog. Sorry you've had a hard week. We've missed you. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Love, Amy

andalucy said...

Michelle, you are going to do a great job with your speeches! I echo Amy. It's like you can't help but be inspiring and uplifting. It exudes from you.

That's too bad about the bad week, though. Maybe it was one of those "things can only improve from now on" weeks.

Montserrat said...

Bookworm, you'll do a fabulous job. How do I know? Because you are always trying to live the right way, and when you do that the Spirit is with you. He'll direct you and you can't fail with that kind of help!

I dislike bad days and weeks terribly, but I don't hate them because of the growth that occurs in me. I hope yours is over and happy days are just around the corner. As you have been known to say, "Be of good cheer!"

Anonymous said...

You can do this. I believe in you! Hang in there. It will all work out.


Anonymous said...

You can do this. I believe in you! Hang in there. It will all work out.


Anonymous said...

How nice of the computer to post me twice, :/...I guess I can be relieved I was saying very nice things, lol ;)
