Tuesday, April 18, 2006

We took off early today and went to our local nature center for a nature walk. This stuffed mountain lion is part of a special traveling educational exhibit; we've "met" him on previous trips but decided to snap a photo today. We had a very adventurous nature walk--not from planning. Keep scrolling down. :-) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Montserrat said...

Sounds and looks like you had a great and eventful time! I really like the mountain lion. Joseph killed a bobcat that was lurking around our house and fields about 5 years ago. He wanted to stuff it and have it on display similar to this but I only let him keep the hide. It was scary enough not being able to let the girls out to play for fear of them being attacked. I didn't want a constant reminder poised in a 'ready to spring to action' pose.