Monday, May 08, 2006

Well, I'll be away on Mother's Day, heading for Virginia, so when I saw these two Meridian articles, here and here, I started thinking of what an amazing job I am privileged to be able to do. This quote also came in my mailbox today: President David O. McKay put it beautifully when he said, speaking of mothers, 'This ability and willingness properly to rear children, the gift to love, and eagerness, yes, longing to express it in soul
development, make motherhood the noblest office or calling in the world."

I decided to make my own list commemorating my own journey to be a "joyful mother of children":
My favorite things about being a mother:
Reading with one child snuggled on my lap, and/or one leaning on each shoulder
Smelling baby necks and the tops of the heads of little boys who've been playing outside in the sun
Hearing the words "Mommy, come see/ look at this!/ watch me!"
A boy taller than I who comes up every night right before he goes to sleep, to try and fold himself onto my lap for a few minutes, and who thinks my prayers for his good sleep are a necessary part of the night
Little handfuls of dandelions and johnny-jump-ups, since they know I love yellow and purple together
Kissing little boys awake in the morning
Watching the amazing things my sons come up with to do, to say, to make
Thinking I'm too tired to do anything else, then finding fresh energy anyway
Trying to keep up with my sons on a hike
Watching my sons voluntarily choose to read their scriptures, pray in tight places, yearn for the temple, choose the right
A little two-year-old fellow who kept saying "Mommy, help you?" when Mommy was on the couch with morning sickness
The tight, squeeze-your-head-off-your-neck hugs, and sloppy kisses
The one who is too old and shy to kiss me in public, but who occasionally nonchalantly reaches out and taps three beats for "I love you" when no one is looking
The comfort of knowing my Savior loves them even more than I do

Happy Mother's Day, everyone!

1 comment:

andalucy said...

This brought tears to my eyes.