Monday, October 09, 2006

I've been tagged! Montse got me. I'm new at this, so here goes:

What do you like most about where you live?

It's only 5 hours from where I WANT to live. LOL Just kidding. I like the ward here most. This ward is very close, like a family. We really pull together. We're here for each other.

What's one of your all-time favorite music albums and why?

No contest--the Sound of Music. Why? I have no idea. I've listened to it since I was a tiny girl. It goes with my favorite movie. It's . . . happy music. How on earth can anyone be sad while listening to My Favorite Things or Climb Every Mountain?

Did you have a passion for something as a kid that you still have now?

Reading. Always reading. I was a bookworm at 4, and now I'm a bookworm at nearly 40.

What do you like most about having a blog?

I haven't figured that out yet. :-) I think it's a glitzy way to get myself to journal, and journaling is important to me.

Now I have to tag someone else who hasn't been tagged? That's hard. Hmm. Jaelle? You're it!


Montserrat said...

Good answers. Aren't you proud of me? At least I decided not to pass on the self-portrait tag Athena sent to me. :D

athena said...

well montse i did think of bookworm but i didn't think she would participate in a self portrait challenge but then who knows! maybe next time huh! LOL.