Monday, October 16, 2006

The No-Good, Horrible, Awful Month
I really don't like to complain. Really, my life is pretty blessed. But we've been having a run of annoyances, pains, and problems here, and I intend to whine for about 10 minutes and then get on with life. :-)
1. Sick kids. Two with pneumonia, followed up by one with resistant strep, who is still running a fever and coughing terribly after two antibiotics and 10 days. I haven't slept for 3 nights. Sigh. I am considering drinking the rest of HIS codeine cough syrup (doesn't seem to be helping him) and crashing tonight. No, I won't really do it. But it sounds attractive.
2. My dishwasher broke. We got a new one, but it cost us. Our roof needs to be jacked up and fixed, but no one has done it yet, and the paint on my kitchen ceiling is falling off. THEN Friday when I was trying to print up a schedule for my school week, guess what? Printer died. No printer. No written schedule. Just the one in my sleep-deprived head.
3. Then Cheery's pet hamster died. Samuel the Hamsterite is no more. He has a "sequel", but still, it's been a tough thing.
4. I haven't been to Church in a month. (sick kids)
5. My brother and sister aren't speaking to each other.
6. My entire house is a disaster zone, after a month of sick kids and not enough time to clean up. I'm falling down in all my callings, my yard looks like a prairie restoration project, it's the year the pine trees decide to drop bushels of needles and 80 zillion pine cones, and I haven't been able to take my nice pleasant usual fall walks in the areas with lovely foliage. (You guessed it---sick kids). I'm putting on weight from not exercising and eating too much from being stuck home, tired and cranky.
I haven't been to the library all month, I have a ton of errands that need running, my scrapbooks are untouched, we are getting only a tiny fraction of our school schedule done, Christmas is coming . . .
On the plus side, I have a husband, three terrific kids, a place to live, food to eat, books to read (not necessarily in that order) the true Church, a temple less than two hours away, good friends, a living prophet, a (mostly) free country, and the ability to promise to quit whining now. Really. I promise. Unless a tree falls on the house tomorrow or something. :-)


Montserrat said...

Oh, Bookworm, so SORRY! Wish I lived closer and could come and relieve you for a few hours each day. :D Remembering that 'this too shall pass' isn't much help when you've had to trudge through it for so long. At least you've been able to vent a little. That always seems to help me.

Anonymous said...

Bookworm, {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}

I know, girl. The lack of sleep is an awful, awful thing. It makes everything seem worse. Not to say that the other things you mention are not difficult or frustrating. I'm glad you vented. I hope it was helpful to you, but I think it was even helpful to me! Sometimes it is good for me to read about other people's bad days and realize that no, it's not just me having bad days, or weeks, or an entire month. So thanks, though I know you weren't exactly thinking of me when you wrote this. :-)

I wish a few of us could swing by and take you on a girls' night out. Montse, you don't need to watch the kids because I volunteer Bookworm's dh to do it. Let's go have pedicures.