Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tagged! Gifts and Talents
Calandria tagged all of us to answer questions about our gifts and talents.

1. What is a talent you seem to have been born with that you have discovered, grown, and celebrated?

I think it'd have to be reading. OK, not exactly BORN with it, I suppose. But I cannot remember when I could not read--my mother tells me I was 3. I've always been able to read, always enjoyed it, always been able to learn quickly from reading. It always has been, and still is, one of my major tools for approaching and figuring out life. :-)

2. What is a gift you think you don't have, that you most envy in others?

I'd rather be able to say some great Christlike attribute, because I'm afraid that my honest answer will sound shallow. But I wish I could sing. When I hear someone with a lovely voice singing, it always moves me to tears--partly from beauty, and partly because I'm green with envy. I so wish I could sing. I hope that in the Celestial Kingdom, when our bodies are perfect, that will include an ability to sing. I once saw an episode of Touched By An Angel (silly series, I know) that involved the angel Monica envying Charlotte Church. It was so poignant and pointed out so sharply to me how much I envied this ability that it was very difficult for me to watch the show.

3. What is a talent that did not originally come easily to you, that nonetheless you've developed through practice and hard work?

Like Calandria, I'd really have to say social situations and interaction. I used to be so deathly afraid of talking to people I didn't know, approaching people and saying something first, calling people on the phone, going to situations with lots of people. I'd just retreat and hide, or find an excuse not to go. I had panic attacks even, at times. But I decided after I joined the Church that I simply couldn't be like that. Christ wouldn't be like that. It's OK that I'm not a "life of the party" girl, but I need to be able to interact normally, in my own quiet way. I'm much, much better than I used to be. Still could use some work, but it's better!


Anonymous said...

Oh! I almost said singing too for a talent I most envy in others. I almost, almost did. I also cry when I hear beautiful singing, and for the same reasons!

Thanks for playing, Bookworm. I hope other will do it too!

Montserrat said...

Ooo, I could listen to Charlotte Church all day if my children would let me.