Tuesday, October 10, 2006

This is Cheery, marching with his Scout group on Saturday, in our community's Oktoberfest Parade. He's in the middle of the picture, looking to his left. There was a campout, parade and many other events here this past weekend. We nearly always miss it because it usually falls on the same weekend as October General Conference. It was an eventful parade this year. Many people usually walk by with the floats and other things, throwing candy to the kids. While this must once have been meant as an "extra", now it seems to be the reason a lot of people GO to the parade. He with the most candy wins. Kids were everywhere, screaming and pushing others out of their way. They wouldn't stay on the sides of the streets, but kept crowding INTO the streets, and not leaving the floats and trucks enough room to drive by. One kid got a foot run over by a truck, and a woman on a fire truck, throwing candy, tried to toss it farther back to give some to the less aggressive children farther back, and she fell off the truck. The driver behind her didn't see her, because of the crowds of kids on the street, and ran over her. When the PMM tried to go pick up a piece of candy, a little girl stomped on his hand, then grabbed the candy. Sigh. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heavens! Aren't you so, so sad you've missed this parade in years past? ;-)