Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Out with the old . . .
This is Copper, Tallman's corn snake. The picture is dark, but he was by far our biggest snake. Tallman decided he wanted a new snake, and I told him he could only keep 3 at once, so one had to go. This is the one that went--a friend was found who had always wanted a snake, and his wife even let him. :-) So Copper has a new home, and Tallman has visitation rights. This particular snake was cranky and didn't like to be handled, so we rarely got him out. He was also very strong! Once he bit Tallman and wouldn't let go. I tried all the "tricks" like blowing in his face, and finally I headed to the sink, where I intended to put him under water . . . and not be in a hurry to let him up. He sensed his approaching doom and let go. LOL


andalucy said...

And what was Tallman doing while this snake had his little fangs sunk into him? Oh, that gives me the heebie jeebies!

Bookworm said...

LOL. He was actually very calm. After the critter bit him, he calmly announced "Mom, Copper bit me and won't let go." He sauntered over to the sink with his rapidly-escalating-towards-panicked mama. :-)

Montserrat said...

Whoa! Maybe that's why I don't have boys. . . :-D